This conference is the 17th in the series of biennial RADCOR conferences on radiative corrections. It is devoted to the applications of quantum field theory to particle physics phenomenology. Subjects will include precision calculations for colliders, progress in higher-loop and higher-multiplicity calculations in the Standard Model, cross-sections for new physics, interpretations of experimental data, new techniques for calculations, advances in computer-algebra methods, new theoretical developments.

The conference will be held in Puri, a historic coastal city in eastern India. The venue is the Empires Hotel, Puri, which offers half-board packages for conference participants, as detailed on the Accommodation page.

For VISA requirements, a two-step registration procedure will be followed. Anyone interested in participating should pre-register now on the Indico page and submit a copy of the front page of their passport, along with the completed Annex-II form, to radcor25 [AT] Pre-registration details are essential for obtaining the DAE approval and a clearance letter from the MEA, India, which is required to apply for a conference VISA. Once we receive your pre-registration details, we will proceed to obtain both the documents, and will notify you upon receipt. For further details, please refer to the visa information page. 

Upon receipt of both documents from us, you may proceed with your visa application. Upon obtaining a visa, you can complete the final registration process, which includes paying the registration fee, submitting talk details, and providing information regarding hotel booking. By completing the final registration process, participants confirm their commitment. 

The conference will be held exclusively in offline mode.


Organizing Committee    
S. Basak (NISER)    
N. Haque (NISER)    
M. C. Kumar (IIT G)    
N. Rana (NISER) - Chair    
V. Ravindran (IMSc)
S. Seth (PRL)    
A. Shivaji (IISER M)    
A. Tripathi (IIT H)         


International Advisory Board     
M. Beneke (TU Munich)    
Z. Bern (UCLA)    
S. J. Brodsky (SLAC)    
M. Cacciari (LPTHE, Jussieu)    
C. Duhr (Bonn) - Vice Chair    
R. K. Ellis (IPPP, Durham)    
F. Febres Cordero (FSU)    
J. Fujimoto (KEK)    
E. Gardi (Edinburgh)    
A. Hoang (Vienna) - Chair    
W. Hollik (MPI Munich)    
M. Kobayashi (KEK)    
D. Kosower (IPhT, CEA-Saclay)    
P. Marquard (DESY)    
P. Mathews (SINP)    
V. Ravindran (IMSc)    
L. Reina (FSU)    
C. Schneider (RISC, JKU Linz)    
J. Sola (Barcelona)    
M. Steinhauser (KIT)    
H. Sugawara (OIST)    
B. F. L. Ward (Baylor)    
H. X. Zhu (Peking)


Empires Hotel
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